Focusing On The Difficulty Of Refunding Fees For Minors

【Editor's note】

Work together to build trust and overcome difficulties together. The epidemic is over, and confidence is as good as gold. On a different kind of "March 15", "Xiangwen Complaint Express" teamed up with the Sanxiang Metropolis Daily "16th Floor Deep Reading" weekly to launch a special action to protect rights. The various platforms on the newspaper and online side will link up the political, business, legal and other sectors to focus on hot consumer issues, call for integrity, and gather strength to move forward. Investigation manuscripts, data reports, etc. will be published on Huasheng Online, New Hunan, Hunan Daily or Sanxiang Metropolis Daily. One of the series launched today focuses on the "difficulty in refunding fees" for minors' online consumption.

Huasheng Online News on March 5 (Reporter Xiong Yanghao and Xie Longbiao) With the development of the Internet and the increasing popularity of mobile payment, online consumption has become one of the important ways of people's daily consumption. In recent years, minors have gradually joined the online consumer army. In the absence of parental supervision, irrational consumption has become more and more common, and consumer disputes caused by this have become increasingly common.

The reporter combed through the backend data of the "Xiangwen·Complaint Express" column and found that minors' online consumption mainly involves online game recharges, rewards for live broadcast platform anchors, online shopping, etc. Many parents reported that their children spent money to buy "equipment" while playing games. The cost is huge, and applications to game operators for refunds are often rejected because of "unable to prove".

When irrational consumption and the inability to provide evidence appear in large numbers, how to implement the regulatory responsibilities of parents, platforms, and departments to form a situation of co-management and co-governance is a current problem that needs to be faced.

Complaint: It is difficult to get a refund after charging 17,000 yuan for a 12-year-old child playing games

On the evening of February 7, Ms. Zhang from Baoding, Hebei Province discovered that her credit card bill was nearly 20,000 yuan. After checking, she found that between January 17 and February 7, 17,169.60 yuan was used to recharge games.

“I initially thought that my credit card had been stolen, but later I found out that a child used my 0PPO mobile phone to play 0PPO’s Dragon’s Roar, Knives Out and other games, and purchased gold coins, coupons, diamonds and other games through WeChat recharge. All the props and money went into the account of Guangdong Huantai Technology Co., Ltd. (a third-party software download store owned by OPPO)," Ms. Zhang told reporters.

The picture shows the game recharge details in the WeChat consumption bill provided by Ms. Zhang

“The next day I called Oppo’s official customer service number to apply for a refund. The customer service replied that they would send someone to contact me to handle it. So far I have called the customer service number 7 times and got the same reply every time, but there has been no one. Let me handle the problem." Ms. Zhang believes that Oppo officials are shirking responsibility and delaying the refund.

Response: Refunds can be processed if relevant conditions are met

On February 18, the reporter called Oppo’s official customer service number to learn about the situation. In response to the issue of refunds for minors after recharging games, customer service specialist No. 5174 responded that after parents provide evidence and meet the relevant refund conditions, Oppo officials will refund the money.

Regarding Ms. Zhang’s problem, the customer service said, “We will record it, then understand the relevant situation, and then communicate with the complainant.”

Latest development: No refund due to inability to prove

On March 4, the complainant Ms. Zhang told reporters that Oppo customer service responded that she could not refund the product because Ms. Zhang “could not prove that the game was for children.”

"It is true that my child used my mobile phone to play games and recharge, but I don't know what evidence I should provide to prove that it was him." Ms. Zhang expressed her helplessness.


It is difficult for minors to get refunds for their online purchases. Complaints often arise. Game recharges account for more than 90% of the total.

The reporter combed through the data from the "Xiangwen Complaint Express" platform and found that Ms. Dai from Kunming, Yunnan, had a similar experience to Ms. Zhang. "A 14-year-old child used my mobile phone to play the game "After Tomorrow" owned by Hangzhou NetEase Leihuo Technology Co., Ltd. All the 13,704 yuan in WeChat was recharged into the game. The 13,704 yuan was all earned from working early in the morning and working late at night. It is not easy. It can be done many times I called the company to apply for a refund, but no one answered.”

Mr. Feng from Hengyang, Hunan was also troubled by similar problems. The child is 11 years old this year. From November to December last year, the child used his mother’s mobile phone to watch game live broadcasts on Huya Live. He used WeChat to pay nearly 23,000 yuan in more than 20 days to reward the anchor. "After calling the police, the police asked us to negotiate with the platform's customer service. We complained to Huya customer service many times, but they refused to refund me because they could not prove that it was a minor purchase."

Data from the "Xiangwen Complaint Express" platform in the past year shows that there have been a total of 410 complaints involving online consumption by minors. More than 90% of the complaints were about the difficulty of recharging and refunding online games mico coin purchase , "The Fifth Identity" 》"Tomorrow After", "Peace Elite", "Clash of Clans" and other mobile game recharges have received concentrated complaints. Hangzhou NetEase Leihuo Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Huantai Technology Co., Ltd., Baidu Games, Oppo Game Center, Huawei Software Technology Co., Ltd., and vivo Games Platforms, Huya Live, Douyu Live, etc. have received more complaints.

Lawyer’s statement:

Merchants should refund minors’ large-amount purchases that are not necessary for life and study.

Lawyer Li Jian from Hunan Wanhe United Law Firm believes that according to Article 19 of the General Principles of Civil Law, minors over the age of eight are persons with limited capacity for civil conduct. When performing civil legal acts, they shall be represented by their legal agent or through their legal representative. The agent agrees and ratifies, but can independently carry out civil legal acts purely for profit or civil legal acts commensurate with his age and intelligence. Therefore, in theory, minors are mostly persons with limited capacity for civil conduct and are only entitled to make some purchases for study and life. Large amounts that are not necessary for life and study have no right to make such purchases and the merchants should refund them.

However, lawyer Li Jian also pointed out that parents are obliged to prove that their children are consuming the goods, which is an important step for the success of rights protection. In addition, strengthening the daily supervision of minor children is the key to avoiding similar losses from happening again.

Related links

1. Refund issue for minors who recharged 9,700 yuan in game games

Mr. Zhou, a netizen from Nantong, Jiangsu, complained that a 14-year-old child recharged more than 9,700 yuan in Tencent's "Peace Elite" from January 23 to 27 without the knowledge of adults. Since the child had recharged more than 4,000 yuan in September last year, he called Tencent Game customer service and received a refund of 3,250 yuan. This time I called Tencent Games customer service number to apply for a refund. The customer service said that he had already applied for a refund once and it would not be accepted this time.

2. The child’s request for a refund via Kugou Live Broadcast was unsuccessful.

Mr. Shen, a Zhejiang netizen, complained that from March to June 2019, a 15-year-old child used his mother’s WeChat account and bank card transfer to recharge Kugou Star Coin without the knowledge of his parents. The total recharge amounted to more than 28,000 yuan. After Mr. Shen communicated with Kugou customer service many times, the other party said that he could only refund 30%.

3. An 11-year-old boy used his parents’ mobile phone to recharge and download games from the mobile app market.

Ms. Feng, a Henan netizen, complained that her 11-year-old son used his parents' mobile phone to download "Clash of Clans" in the Huawei App Store without his parents' knowledge and recharged 5,332 yuan. After communicating with customer service many times, I was finally told that "there is no refund, and there is no point in complaining anywhere."

Short comments

Children are addicted to online games, with high recharges and huge rewards. It is not only family education that is missing. With the increasing popularity of the Internet, life and study are increasingly inseparable from the Internet. Minors are exposed to the Internet and have more and more opportunities to use electronic products. The frequent high consumption of Internet among minors has become a social problem that cannot be avoided at present.

Minors have immature physical and mental development, strong curiosity, and poor self-control and discrimination abilities. They often cannot refuse the temptation of all-pervasive advertising by relying solely on "self-discipline"; a large number of young people and parents of children have become players of various games, and also It is bound to have a subtle impact on children.

Some netizens believe that the group of online game players is getting bigger and bigger, and game companies are making a lot of money. While enjoying the dividends, they should take on greater social responsibilities and actively improve the certification level, such as using facial recognition to prevent minors from becoming addicted. Internet and irrational consumption. However, some netizens revealed that some platforms are still unable to strictly implement the current regulations on identity authentication, time limits, etc., and even play around with it secretly. It is tantamount to wishful thinking that merchants will take the initiative to tighten the rules and restrict potential profit contributors.

Sharing can only be achieved through joint governance. Blaming the family for children's high Internet consumption is undoubtedly not the solution. Only by paying equal attention to family guidance, technical prevention and policy supervision can we fill loopholes, scientifically "ban games", eliminate the "unable to prove" rights protection dilemma from the source, and create a healthy online environment for children.


Have you or someone around you ever experienced the problem of difficulty in applying for a refund after a minor spent a lot of money online? Do you have anything to say about minors’ online consumption? You are welcome to break the news or speak out through the following methods.

How to break the news:

1. Log in to Huasheng Online's "Xiangwen Complaint Express" column (website:) to make an online complaint.

2. Directly search for "Complaint Express" on your mobile phone and make an online complaint.


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